IMD312 Reflective Writing by Ainur Mardiah

IM312 Reflective Writing

by Ainur Mardiah

💗Ainur Mardiah binti Saferi (2021299664)💗

    The purpose of this reflection essay is to identify all of the things that I personally have learnt during the course and emphasize the lessons that it has given me for me to subsequently use to my next chapter in life. I've been studying IM110 for nearly two and a half years now, and it has definitely allowed me to move outside of my comfort zone and learn new things that I would never have learnt otherwise. Based on understanding of studying this program Information Management IM110 is intended at meeting the needs of information and knowledge workers. It is because of their important role in the information management.

    There are many courses that I have learned since in semester one, I was taught about Information and Communication Technology Application (IMD113) and then in the second semester I taught about Introduction of School Resources Center (IMD122). During semester three, I was learned about Instructional Media Application (IMD211), fourth semester I was taught about Introduction to Cataloging IMD223) and in the final semester are learned about Reference and Information Services for Information Agencies, and so other subjects. Among the courses that must be learned and have their own relevance in helping students learn how to acquire, manage, and gain other skills and knowledge. 

        In my case, Reference and Information Services for Information Agencies (IMD312)  is definitely my most favorite subject that I am  learning at this current moment. I believe that IMD312 has peaked an interest in me due to the fact that we mainly learn about electronic resources such as the Internet. This subject teaches me how to evaluate such resources accordingly based on relevant criterion. It also teaches me the uses and importance of other resources such as dictionaries, yearbooks, almanacs, etc. This will not only help my understanding academically but also in real life as well. This subject has taught me that we should not just blindly trust any source of information before evaluating it thoroughly. Due to this fact, I am now more aware of what information I choose to acknowledge and I take further precaution when it comes to this. 

    In a nutshell, IMD312 is definitely my favorite subject for my fifth semester due to the fact that it has helped learn something that I am able to implement into my daily life. I would also like to take a moment to show gratitude to my IMD312 lecturer, Madam Nurfaizah binti Kamarudin, for always providing constant guidance and for sincerely teaching my classmates and I this subject. She is also one of the reasons why this subject is one of my favorites. 
