
IMD312 Reflective Writing by Ainur Mardiah

IM312 Reflective Writing by Ainur Mardiah ๐Ÿ’—Ainur Mardiah binti Saferi (2021299664)๐Ÿ’—      The purpose of this reflection essay is to identify all of the things that I personally have learnt during the course and emphasize the lessons that it has given me for me to subsequently use to my next chapter in life. I've been studying IM110 for nearly two and a half years now, and it has definitely allowed me to move outside of my comfort zone and learn new things that I would never have learnt otherwise. Based on understanding of studying this program Information Management IM110 is intended at meeting the needs of information and knowledge workers. It is because of their important role in the information management.      There are many courses that I have learned since in semester one, I was taught about Information and Communication Technology Application (IMD113) and then in the second semester I taught about Introduction of School Resources Center (IMD122). During semester three, I w


BIODATA NAME: AINUR MARDIAH BINTI SAFERI AGE: 18 YEARS OLD UiTM CAMPUS: SAMARAHAN 1 COURSE: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT STUDENT ID: 2021299664 LECTURER NAME: MADAM NURFAIZAH BINTI KAMARUDIN INTRODUCTION Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera to all my Lovely Blog Readers. Salam UiTM dihatiku<3 My name is Ainur Mardiah Binti Saferi and I am eighteen years old. I am a student in UiTM Samarahan 1 under diploma Information Management (IM110). Today I will share to you guys about the UED 102 learning study skills. UED 102 is a subject that student need to take during interim session. There are 4 weeks of UED 102 classes which is every has 2 hour of class. The objective of the UED 102 is a subject to array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, also to improve soft skills for preparation during the study session as the semester beg